Bhagya Lakshmi 13th April 2024 Written


Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update, April 13, 2024 Lakshmi, thank you. Paro describes how she slapped Ranjit after Mr. Oberoi forced him to kneel. She informs Dadi, Lakshmi, and Shalu. At this, Shalu gives Parvati praise. Shalu is warned by Lakshmi not to teach Parvati since she would pick fights with other kids. Lakshmi is reassured by Parvati that she solely confronts wrongdoing. When the villagers go to check on Lakshmi and Parvati, they are glad to learn that Ranjit is in jail. As all is going on, Rishi walks over to Rohan and thanks him for saving Parvati.

Rishi gives Rohan credit for what he did. Along with Harleen, Rishi also praises Rohan for doing "Jap" for him. When Malishka arrives, she advises them to put their needs first before those of others, and Rohan accepts. Ayush is asked by Anushka about his journey to Gurdaspur in order to save Parvati. Ayush makes it clear that he went just because of Rishi, highlighting how much of a special place Rishi has in his heart. Then, because he went to Gurdaspur, Ayush asks Anushka if she is doubting him. He is reassured by Anushka that there is no reason for concern, and she begs him not to worry.

After talking about recent occurrences, Shalu suggests that Lakshmi give Rishi a call to express her gratitude. After Lakshmi gives her consent, Rishi thanks Malishka for arriving with the police on time. Rishi asks Malishka how she always ends up at the proper place, perplexed by her seeming insight. She says that she had assistance from a detective in this. Malishka tries to plant a kiss on Rishi, but Rohan stops him and tells him to tell the whole story of how he saved Parvati. Malishka joins in, eager to hear as well, and Rishi agrees to tell his story.

When the Sarpanch pays Lakshmi a visit, he praises her for her bravery in sending Ranjit to prison. He tells her that they have chosen to honor her bravery and to demonstrate to Sumer that his actions have repercussions. Lakshmi finds herself thinking that Mr. Oberoi is the one who actually deserves this recognition as she mulls over all of this. Malishka and Rohan hear Rishi tell how Ranjit almost hacked him with a knife, but Lakshmi's use of a flower vase prevented the attack. He thanks Malishka for bringing the police who took Ranjit into custody. When Rohan makes a joke about sleeping between them, Malishka laughs. Reminding Malishka that Rohan is her son, Rishi expresses gratitude to her for her love of him.

Neelam calls Pandit Ji in the meantime to inquire as to when Rishi's misfortune will stop. To mitigate the effects of the Kundali Dosh, the pandit recommends giving Rishi a terrified thread and conducting an all-night puja. Even while it might not be the only solution, it might be helpful. Later, Neelam tells Karishma this information. She'll stop at nothing to keep her son safe.

Highlights of the 13th April 2024 written update episode of Bhagya Lakshmi
1. Shalu praises Paro when she tells him about Mr. Oberoi's abuse of Ranjit and her slap to Dadi, Lakshmi, and Shalu.
2. Relieved to learn that Ranjit is in jail, the villagers pay Lakshmi a visit.
3. Malishka advises putting oneself first after Rishi thanks Rohan for saving Parvati.
4. Ayush allays Anushka's doubts by saying that Rishi, not Parvati, was the reason for his travel to Gurdaspur.
5. After learning that Lakshmi is going to thank Rishi, Rishi thanks Malishka for calling the police.
6. Sarpanch praises Lakshmi and announces his intention to punish Sumer for her bravery.
7. After telling Malishka and Rohan about the event, Rishi thanks Malishka for calling the police.
8. After Neelam approaches Pandit ji for advice on how to end Rishi's bad luck, he recommends an all-night pooja and a sacred thread, which makes Neelam resolve to stop at nothing to support her son.


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